Definition of Swing shift

1. Noun. The work shift during the evening (as 4 p.m. to midnight).

Exact synonyms: Evening Shift
Generic synonyms: Duty Period, Shift, Work Shift

Definition of Swing shift

1. Noun. (American English) A work shift between a day shift and a night shift, such as from 4PM to midnight, and the group of workers scheduled to work such a shift at a facility. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Swing Shift

swing about
swing around
swing by
swing dog
swing door
swing for the fences
swing loan
swing music
swing of things
swing out
swing over
swing riot
swing riots
swing shift
swing shifts
swing state
swing states
swing the lead
swing vote
swing voter
swing voters
swing votes

Literary usage of Swing shift

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Statistics, Probability, and Game Theory: Papers in Honor of David Blackwell by David Blackwell, Thomas Shelburne Ferguson, Lloyd S. Shapley, James B. MacQueen (1996)
"Both day and swing shift regressions had about the same proportion of variance explained (.37). Coefficient estimates for the suspect period and the ..."

2. What's on the Worker's Mind: By One who Put on Overalls to Find Out, Whiting by Whiting Williams (1920)
"Still another factor is the absence of the "swing-shift." Instead of the men's working one week or one month on the first shift or trick from seven to three ..."

3. What's on the Worker's Mind: By One who Put on Overalls to Find Out, Whiting by Whiting Williams (1920)
"Still another factor is the absence of the "swing-shift." Instead of the men's working one week or one month on the first shift or trick from seven to three ..."

4. Island Song Lyrics by Larry W. Jones (2003)
"... pole and old blue jeans The day shift boss threw me for a loss So I drove my stick shift into town There I applied for a swing shift ride On a forklift, ..."

5. Cyclopedic Review of Current History by Alfred Sidney Johnson, Clarence A. Bickford, William W. Hudson, Nathan Haskell Dole (1902)
"... an Increase of pay to twenty cents an hour, and abolition of the "swing shift." On De- comber 25, of thirteen men brought by the company from Syracuse, ..."

6. Statistics, Probability, and Game Theory: Papers in Honor of David Blackwell by David Blackwell, Thomas Shelburne Ferguson, Lloyd S. Shapley, James B. MacQueen (1996)
"Both day and swing shift regressions had about the same proportion of variance explained (.37). Coefficient estimates for the suspect period and the ..."

7. What's on the Worker's Mind: By One who Put on Overalls to Find Out, Whiting by Whiting Williams (1920)
"Still another factor is the absence of the "swing-shift." Instead of the men's working one week or one month on the first shift or trick from seven to three ..."

8. What's on the Worker's Mind: By One who Put on Overalls to Find Out, Whiting by Whiting Williams (1920)
"Still another factor is the absence of the "swing-shift." Instead of the men's working one week or one month on the first shift or trick from seven to three ..."

9. Island Song Lyrics by Larry W. Jones (2003)
"... pole and old blue jeans The day shift boss threw me for a loss So I drove my stick shift into town There I applied for a swing shift ride On a forklift, ..."

10. Cyclopedic Review of Current History by Alfred Sidney Johnson, Clarence A. Bickford, William W. Hudson, Nathan Haskell Dole (1902)
"... an Increase of pay to twenty cents an hour, and abolition of the "swing shift." On De- comber 25, of thirteen men brought by the company from Syracuse, ..."

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